Get Tough

Mina Davis’ Official Statement

Dear Suits & Cops-

Jasmine, who was at the center of a lot of what happened, asked me to write her story for her. She probably meant in the form of a novel, but as far I’m concerned, this counts. I think she thought that with that request she’d make a writer out of me yet, but then she always wanted to believe the best in people, and after watching you idiots tumble over yourselves trying to figure out what happened here, I’ve chosen another path.

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The Corpse

“I don’t know where to start,” she said, rubbing her eyes.

“What? I just asked for cause of death.”

“Yeah. That’s just it. I don’t know where to start. For example, his spine is basically a pretzel, only not as sturdy. His neck is knotted up like last year’s Christmas lights.”

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